
Personal Trainer Mark Tolle Receives Glowing Recommendation


Not sure if personal training is right for you? A heartfelt testimonial from a Sky Fitness member may change your mind…

Dear Larry Heller:

This letter is being written to convey to you how working with a personal trainer has motivated me to regularly workout at Sky Fitness. Mark Tolle has positively changed my mindset concerning the importance of consistently exercising!

Previous to working with him, I attended group classes and rarely utilized the equipment. When I could no longer participate in the classes I had once taken due to changing health issues, I contacted one of the group instructors for a referral. I was referred to Mark because she felt he was the best person to help me. I desired to work with someone who was knowledgeable, and his credentials more than impressed me. I wanted someone who would listen to me and would tailor a program that would address my individual needs.

I cannot say enough about Mark’s knowledge,
his caring, support and encouragement.

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He has assured me that eventually the harder exercises, if worked at, would become easier. Not an easy task. Mark told me that I needed to do a minimum of 2.5 hours of cardio a week at a specific intensity, which I have to admit, was somewhat daunting. Both my internist and cardiologist agreed. So, that 2.5 hours which may not seem like so much, is, in that I have other commitments. But I try to prioritize this because my health is important to me. And this is why, due to Mark’s “edict” I make it my priority to get to the club often.

I know that I would not be at Sky Fitness with such regularity if it were not for Mark’s encouragement.

I am able to take Group Ride and Active. If I have time afterwards, I try to do some cardio or exercises that I have worked on with Mark during our weekly one hour session. I have to admit that I do feel better, have more energy, and most importantly, it is better than taking an antidepressant.

I would, without a doubt, recommend that members engage a personal trainer to motivate them and most importantly, be supervised for the correct form and retraining bad habits. This can prevent future injuries because when one works out unsupervised, there is more of a chance to do so.

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Mark has varied our sessions. He begins by inquiring every session, “How are we feeling today?”  Depending upon my response, that is what he addresses, so each session is tailored accordingly. We have worked on balance, weight bearing exercises, flexibility, cardio, isometric exercises and keeping my body in balance. He has also done manipulative therapy when necessary.

Mark Tolle comes highly recommended by me! All those who have the good fortune to be in his hands will be healthier and determined to do what they can to maintain their present health as well as to prevent injuries that are within their control. In addition, he is professional and an all around nice man.

Thank you, Mark, for being an awesome personal trainer and thank you Sky Fitness for being such a wonderful place to workout.

With gratitude,

Anne Wold

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