
Sky Fitness Challenges in 2018 with First Indoor Triathlon


We are excited to partner with VisionQuest and our own triathlete, Janine Newman as they transform one’s fear into physical challenge. The 8-week training program is designed to improve your endurance levels and transform any self-limiting beliefs into grit, determination and perseverance. Sky Fitness hosts the big Indoor Tri event on March 4, 2018.

What is an indoor triathlon? A triathlon consists of three physical activities: swimming, biking and running. An indoor triathlon is based on time rather than distance. Participants in the 60 minute Sky Tri will swim (10), bike (30) and run (20). Points are given for going further in a specific period of time, not for going faster over a fixed distance.

New Triathletes often have a lot of questions, fears and challenges about the training and the actual event. What is interesting is that as first-timers begin the program, their courage, commitment and willpower transforms any self limiting beliefs. A triathlon cultivates skills that helps you structure and achieve goals throughout your life.

The 60 minute Triathlon is good for the whole family. Yes, it is kid-friendly! Encourage your child to have fun while expanding their comfort zone. Definitely character building for them. A great family activity to kick off the New Year!

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Our Sky Fitness and VisionQuest Triathlon team is here to support your journey and celebrate your triumphs along the way. Learn more about the Sky Fitness 2018 Tri Initiative. Join us for the informational meeting at 6:30p on Thursday, December 28, 2017… Ready to commit? Sign up at the front desk!
